Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tea tasting: Adagio's Chocolate Black Tea

Today's tea is Adagio's Chocolate Black (http://www.adagio.com/flavors/chocolate.html).  I think I've been spoiled by the truly spectacular teas I've been drinking for the past month or so.  This one is merely adequate.  It's an adequate Ceylon black with no particularly remarkable features. There is nothing about the aroma or taste that screams "chocolate" to me.  There's a touch of bitterness in the flavor of the black that may appeal to people who like bitter flavors.

Now, to be fair. this is another tea that I've let sit for a little too long, this time because I simply forgot about it in the tea cabinet.  If you've seen my tea cabinet, this is less implausible than you'd think.  While it was sealed, I don't think the seal was as good as it could have been, so the age may have adversely affected the overall quality.

It's not a bad tea.  It's simply unremarkable and not particularly interesting.  But if I can buy a small sample, I'd be willing to re-taste it in a fresher form.

Oooh!  And look at that.  Adagio sells samples for $2.00 that make about 10 cups.  I am all over this.

1 comment:

  1. The samples are dangerous, but the tins they come in are convenient. ;)
