Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tea-flavored things that aren't tea

I apologize for the lack of tea tasting for the past week.  I've had a horrid head cold and my sense of taste is completely off.

Trying to soothe my itchy, scratchy throat, I cracked open a package of Bali's Best Green Tea Latte candies that I was given for the holidays.  (  They're very interesting and could easily become addictive.  They remind me a lot of green tea ice cream.  And I love green tea ice cream (which is unexpected, given that I hate milk in tea).  The slightly bitter herbal taste combined with the smooth creamy texture is unlike anything else.

Green tea ice cream is something I used to find only in Asian restaurants or small specialty ice cream stores.  However, Hagen-Daaz now sells green tea ice cream (  It can be found in most of the middle- to high-end grocery stores around me.

I've found a couple of recipes for cooking with tea as an ingredient.  Bromley's website has some interesting ideas that I intend to try:

If anyone else attempts any of these recipes, please let me know so I can share it with the group!

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