Thursday, January 19, 2023

Adagio's Casablanca Mint

Adagio's Casablanca Mint bills itself as a spin on the traditional Moroccan Mint, only using Darjeeling black in place of gunpowder green.  Given that I love Moroccan Mint, I wanted to give this a try.

Package says: Black Tea | Moderate caffeine | Steep at 180°F for 2 minutes

Ingredients: peppermint leaves, darjeeling sungma summer tea, spring darjeeling tea

Sungma summer darjeeling is supposed to have a slightly sugary grape note, like white wine.

Well, I accidentally brewed it for 3 minutes because Lucy, my housemate's cat who is weirdly fond of me, was being particularly cute and distracting.  Let's see if that matters.

It's a good minty black but nothing spectacular.  It's got that refreshing mouth feel of a high-quality peppermint blend.  The darjeeling is there, but doesn't seem to be doing a lot other than supporting the peppermint.  I'm not getting the supposed white wine notes but that could be because I am recovering from being sick and/or that extra minute of brewing amped up the mint.  Honestly, I like the bite of a Moroccan Mint a bit better.

 I will defintely brew again paying more attention to the timer and less to feline cuteness.  

Test #2 yielded better results.  Keeping the brew down to two minutes yields a slightly different mint/black balance, but I'm still not getting that alleged white wine flavor.  I added about a teaspoon of amber sugar and that's the only sweetness for me.  Again, a solid minty black, but nothing spectacular.

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