Sunday, April 5, 2015

On David's Teas: or, who does this sh---?

Oh, David's Teas.  You are quite creative.  I think just a little too creative for me.

I'm browsing through my David's sampler pack when I come across a tea called "Read My Lips" that bills itself as a sweet black tea with chocolate and peppermint.  Sounds lovely, right?  Until I look at the ingredients:  Chinese black tea, peppermint, chocolate, pink peppercorns, sprinkles, natural and artificial flavouring.

I'm not allergic to peppercorns (they don't contain capsaicin).  Nevertheless, peppercorns are not something I want in my tea.

And then there's this trap, also just discovered, although fortunately without actually consuming any:  The Spice is Right contains "Cinnamon, green tea, orange peel, cloves, chili pepper."

I really don't like having to check the ingredients of my tea to make sure it won't kill me.  I don't have this problem with other tea companies.  They either *clearly label* the few brews that contain chili peppers or *don't put gorram peppers in tea!*

I'm sorry, David's.  Between the weird artificial cream undertones you throw into perfectly good blends and the hidden death traps in your other teas, I think we're done.  I'd say "It's not you, it's me" but in this case, it really is you.


  1. Actually, pink peppercorns are members of the cashew family (latin name: Schinus molle), so they're a dangerous ingredient on more than one front.

  2. I have the same problem with teas with orange peel in them (which I am highly allergic to). I learned a while ago to either ask to read the box or bring my own tea with me.
