Saturday, July 11, 2020

Tiesta Tea's Passion Berry Jolt

A new tea company to me, another fruity black tea to try for making iced tea.  Tiesta Tea's Passion Berry Jolt is a black tea base with maté added for the "jolt" plus pieces of raspberry, pineapple and passion fruit.   It's darn okay.   It does, however, pack sufficient punch that a pot (3.5 glasses of iced tea) gets me through a 12-hour work day.  So that's a thing.

This tea needs a right proper steep to get enough flavor to hold up to icing.  Unless it's steeped for 4-5 minutes, it's largely flavorless.

The flavor is good enough.  It's generically fruity, without distinct tones of any particular fruit.  If I squint, I can get the pineapple and/or passion fruit.  This tea isn't bad, it's simply missing something that would make it really excellent. I won't go out of my way to buy it again.

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