Friday, September 2, 2016

Bottled Iced Tea: Alexander's Real Teas

Alexander's Real Tea is a small company located in New Brunswick, NJ.  Its products can be found on store shelves in NJ and NY at this point.  Of course, I had to sample their wares.

I've tried their Peach, Raspberry, Green Tea and Pomegranate Green.  Of these, I like the Pomegranate Green the best.

The Peach and Raspberry are your basic fruit-flavored sweetened black teas.  They taste better than, say, Snapple, because they use cane sugar rather than HCF.  While perfectly drinkable if you like that sort of thing, they are far too sweet for my taste.  There's at least some tea flavor underneath all that sweet, but not much.   Still, I've had worse.

Their Green tea is likewise perfectly adequate, but not much more.  Once again, the sweetener kills any character the green tea base might have had.  That the sweetener is real sugar makes this marginally acceptable.  I've definitely had worse green teas in bottled form, though.  I've been spoiled by making my own green iced teas all summer.

Of the four options, the Pomegranate Green achieves the best balance between sweet and tea.  It's not amazing, but a good off the shelf option when thirsty.  I'll continue to pick it up every now and then.

So, if you are one of those who like sweet tea -- and I know you're out there -- Alexander's Real Tea is definitely a tasty option.  Plus, supporting NJ small businesses makes me happy.  Maybe I can encourage them to make something unsweetened?

NOTE: Alexander's Real Tea should not be confused with Alexander's Gourmet Tea, an entirely different company that sells actual tea.

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