Monday, January 27, 2020

Tea Forte's Darjeeling Quince

For Christmas, I received Tea Forte's Darjeeling Quince black tea as part of a sampler pack.  I'm quite fond of black teas with fruity notes, so this tea seemed the best one to review for the blog's restart.

This tea combines citrus, quince and hibiscus with a lighter black tea.  Quince is a fruit in the same family as apples and pears.  It usually isn't eaten raw but instead tends to be cooked and used in jams and jellies.   The aroma of the tea is primarily a citrus black, with a little hint of something that is probably the quince (because it definitely isn't hibiscus).  The taste continues the emphasis on citrus, with the quince playing second fiddle and the hibiscus thankfully coming in a distant third.  I wish the tea itself were a little stronger player, but that is likely a personal taste issue as I tend to love darker teas.

This is a solid B+ tea, tasty but not overly complicated.  It's also likely to be a good starter tea for someone looking to venture beyond basic blacks, as it's not too heavily scented or flowery.


  1. I also got some Tea Forte sampler packs for the holidays. And also I liked the Darjeeling Quince. Warning: The black cherry tea tastes like NyQuil.

    1. Here's my review of the Tea Forte Black Cherry in this blog, which comes to the same conclusion:
