The Spice and Tea Exchange website says this about its Earl Grey Creme tea:
The comforting flavors of vanilla and cream combine to lighten the citrus notes of a traditional Earl Grey. With its soft, warm flavors, this is a great tea to start off your day.
Ingredients: black tea, orange peel, cornflower, natural flavor (vanilla, bergamot, and creme).
I am approaching this tea somewhat apprehensively. I love vanilla and orange, but bergamot needs to be handled carefully and most "natural creme flavor" tastes horridly chemical to me, as if Twinkie filling had been dumped into my cup. The tea has been brewed and my cup and I are staring at each other waiting for it to cool down enough to drink. I embark on this venture without benefit of milk or sugar in my tea, as per usual.
Well, of all of the executions of a bergamot + creme flavoring tea, this is the least objectionable one I've had so far. The initial flavor profile is a straight up Earl Grey, with the vanilla and milky elements coming in the aftertaste. The "creme" flavor is still weird, but it's not blatantly chemical or artificial, just not to my taste. The bergamot is handled with subtlety. The underlying black tea is of good quality. This is not my cup of tea (see what I did there), but it's good enough that I'll finish the package without complaint. I think someone who likes milk in their tea would enjoy this greatly.