Adagio's Candy Apple black tea bills itself as a combination of apple, caramel and cinnamon flavors. As apple-flavored teas go, it is far inferior to both Adagio's Spiced Apple Chai and to my own custom Adagio blend Mackyntoich Apple Crisp. Whatever they put into the Candy Apple tea to create the caramel flavor is overwhelming -- it eats the apple qualities in both the aroma and the flavor. There is also a slightly chemical or waxy quality to the caramel flavor that is immensely off-putting. Adding sugar or honey helps a bit, but it then becomes too sweet for my palate.
But, if you combine 3/4 of a mug of a strong brew of Candy Apple black with 1/4 of a mug of apple cider, you get a highly drinkable winter/late fall treat! The apple cider gives power back to the cinnamon and apple qualities of the tea, making the weirdness of the caramel just an aftertaste. Blending the tea with apple cider also avoids making the brew too sweet for my taste.
I can only assume that the same result could be favorably achieved with alcoholic apple cider. Someone who can drink booze will have to taste-test that for me!