It's April and I got 4' of snow on Monday. What the bloody hell?
In a bid to bring about the end of the Fimbul Winter, I brewed up a pot of Adagio's Eternal Spring white tea. Maybe it's because I'm desperate for anything suggesting spring, this blend of fruits, rose hips and rose petals works quite well for me.
The aroma is highly floral, distinctly rose, but manages to avoid the "pot potpourri" quality that afflicts so many rose-based teas. The rose largely drops out of the flavor, leaving behind a fruit blend with notes of pineapple and mango. There's apparently apple in there too but I don't taste it.
It's not a strong enough fruit tea to make into iced tea. It's a bit light and airy behind the fruitiness, almost, dare I say it, spring-like.